Data Warehouse (DWH)
Operation Data Store (ODS)
A Data Warehouse enables to collect , extract, consolidate and unify data from various data sources and information systems.
What is Data Warehouse
A Data Warehouse enables to collect , extract, consolidate and unify data from various data sources and information systems. It is not only a „warehouse“ for your historical data, but its a tool that contains high-quality data = clear, truthfull and verified data about your business.
Serves as a base for reporting or BI services for all management levels within your company.
The ODS helps you speed up your operational processes by „memoring“ the data base for critical applications. The main purpos of the ODS is to have the operational processes loaded with data and real time.
Helps to transform data to the information and visalisations so fast, so you can do the real-time decisions.
As part of our solution we can build for you and on-house Data Warehouse or set for you a Cloud Data Warehouse – Microsoft AZURE Platform exactly to meet your needs and specification.